Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan has directed his party’s negotiation team to withdraw from further talks with the government if a judicial commission is not formed within seven days, according to Barrister Gohar. Speaking to media outside Adiala Jail, Gohar emphasised that the establishment of the judicial commission isRead More →

The federal government authorized on Monday a hike in natural gas prices for several customer categories, effective November 1, 2023. The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority’s (OGRA) recommendations served as the basis for this judgment. The Cabinet’s Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) had already decided to increase natural gas prices onRead More →

(AFP) – The White House announced on Friday that Israel and Saudi Arabia are nearing an agreement to normalize relations after decades of enmity. President Joe Biden hopes to alter the Middle East — and score an election-year diplomatic success — by gaining Saudi Arabia’s recognition of the Jewish state,Read More →

Pakistan has received its first supply of Russian liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), marking the country’s second significant energy agreement with Moscow.The arrival of this large LPG supply follows Pakistan’s earlier reception of Russian crude oil, demonstrating the two countries’ expanding energy relationship.The Russian embassy in Islamabad acknowledged the delivery ofRead More →